Pt.Vijay Kichlu ji former Director of ITC`s Music Research Academy, awarded Padmashree. I am very happy for him.Finelly got paid off. He has stick to pure traditional Gharana Parmpara.I remember one incident in my studentship, he had come to Goa to perform in Master Dinanath Mangeshkar Sangeet Sammelan,after his concert I met him and asked that in summer vacation I will planning to visit Music Academy, whether I will able to attend the classes. He said I will organize for you. He kept the word. He allowed me to attend music classes in Music Academy for one month with all the masters there. He issued a letter to everyone saying he is guest from Goa.Such a great human being. It helped me a lot to improve myself on music, listening to all masters live every day was unforgettable experience.
Vedang Dharashive.